Monday, April 2, 2007

Gefilte Fish, Matza Balls and Poker

Sundays at my mother's. Week 307 +-
An early passover of sorts. Poker was the main topic though, as Sylvia and my mother Rita are the last 2 living widows of a famous Wednesday night poker game that started in 1960 at a home on 10th Street. My father Sam joined in as "new blood" in 1985 and the game finally died out in 2001 when my father passed away. Always 2 tables, one for the wives and one for the husbands. Different couple hosted every week on a rotating basis.

My Brother Joe, (the one in the picture above, with all that thick black hair) is a "hobby" Elvis. He deals tournament poker only, so he works all over town. Watch for more of him as he'll be entertaining at various open houses and events that VVV will be sponsoring in the future. Last night, he gave us a new schtickt featuring Elvis with a yiddish accent. He calls the character "OyVis". Picture without sound couldn't do it justice!
Sylvia raises a glass to old friends and great poker!

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