Thursday, August 30, 2007

School Bus update

I don't see any real problem with the extra school buses that are now coming and going from the old Gorman High School Student Parking lot. We've traded 20 buses, twice a day for several hundred 16 and 17 year olds and many more parents driving to and from the school each day.

I spoke to one of the administrators at the Eldorado Preparatory Academy. They extremely pleased at how well the new school year has begun. They got 99% compliance on the dress code, the buses are NOT creating the traffic jams that the neighborhood feared, the kids are crossing Maryland with the light and with 2 school police officers. So far, the kids have been orderly, well behaved extremely well supervised.

Except that the bus drivers don't line up in a perfectly straight line, which kept me from getting a picture of the entire queue of buses, I'm pleased as can be.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Mary Alderman got a shout out in Las Vegas Citylife, by the way, for her speaking up at the recent meeting about this school: