Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Boulevard mall

The Boulevard Mall is the oldest mall in Las Vegas. It was not the first mall in Las Vegas. The, now defunct, Charleston Plaza Mall held that honor. The Boulevard is over thirty-five years old. Shopping in Vintage Vegas is as convenient as can be. If you live in Paradise Palms a short five minite walk is all it takes to go shopping and have lunch. Off the Maryland Pkwy corridor at Desert Inn, The Boulevard Mall is a great place to shop. Check out their website to find out more.

3528 South Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Phone 732-8949

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This hoodlum infested eyesore with its constantly boarded shop fronts & stripper shoe stores needs a serious makeover. Can't the owners see the property value in this and invest some cash?
The inside is clean, but the outside is a dump and slime walk the halls leaving a glittering trail of ooze behind their gang headgear and chacha heels.