Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Junior League of Las Vegas in the Morelli House

The Las Vegas Junior League threw a wonderful party at their new home, the Morelli House, now relocated to 9th and Bridger downtown. The event on Monday the 9th of April (kick off day for "Architecture Week in Las Vegas", was open to view the wonderful example of Mid-Century Modern Architecture, and the new working space of the Junior League.
The Junior League enjoys their immaculate residence, and has quite a story about their efforts to aquire the home. Apparently they have been working and raising funds for years to reach their goal. The ladies were offered to 'go shopping' for a vintage home when the area that is now the Wynn hotel moved to destroy what was left of the Desert Inn Estates. After aquiring the Morelli house they worked hard to find a new plot of land to set it on. Eventually they aquired the corner of 9th & Bridger. They have done a wonderful job of freshening up the home and maintaining the historical footprint. The home was just recently designated as historic, and having the opportunity to mingle and wander through the spacious exhibit was fabulous!

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