Tuesday, August 14, 2007

VVV welcomes a new neighbor

Actually, he's one of the first celebrities to move back into Vintage Vegas in quite a while.
Richard Dashut is a well known character in the music world. He produced most of the Fleetwood Mac albums, including Rumors (which is one of the very top selling albums of all time) which he won a Grammy for producing.
He dashed away after being a featured guest panelist at the "AMPLIFIED" music festival to attend the walkthru.

He's tired of the LA rat race, wants a down-to-earth urban life where he can be part of a local music and art scene.
It took only 6 weeks to find the buyer for this home, and even thought the credit markets went crazy during the escrow period, we were still able to get Richard into the home in record time.

If you want to meet him, he'll be with us at the Downtown Coctail Room this Thursday for he LO-PRO (local professionals) mixer from 4:30 to 7pm. The DCR is owned by Michael Cornwaithe, who will be one of Richard's new neighbors.

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