Group 4 of Fran Park is East of Eastern Ave, between Sahara and Desert Inn. The furtherst east houses, are in a pocket on the east side of Mcleod.
Pardee totally changed course in 1969 when they crossed over Eastern Ave. It was the end of Mid-Mod for them, just as it was for just about every other builder in America.
Now we get ranches with garages, and 2 stories. They kept the name of Fran Park, but it didn't look like anything previous. The first 5 houses on the south side of Vegas Valley, east of Eastern Ave were their models.
For the 2 story homes, they stayed with the concrete block foundations and first floor walls, and built the second story with frame and stucco. The Single story homes started being built as frame and stucco, with trussed pitched roofs, in contrast to the flat roofs of their previous mid-mod homes.
One thing that
happened a lot is Garage Conversions. I've never been a fan and never recommend it, but it was all the rage to create more living area in the 70's and 80's. Some were done very nicely, were permitted, centrally heated and cooled etc, but many were just slapped together, look awful, still have their cheap panelling, no insulation, window air conditioners etc. Of course the seller still want to count the BAD garage conversion as square footage and still give it the same value as properly done and nice looking conversions. I think I'll do a whole post on the subject sometime. (Someone remind me!)
Group 4 has stood up pretty well, and there's lots and lots of very nice and pretty nice homes clustered together, with a few "rough around the edges" but not trashy homes scattered about.
1 comment:
Well, welcome to my neighborhood! What you forget to mention is that our houses are huge compared to most of the vintage houses *in part because of our garage conversions, big balconies, and many additions*. Also, we have a lot of experimentation with color going on these missed my favorite property, which is all white with teal trim on McLeod. You did grab another one of my favorites though...the red and brown house. My house was done by a different builder (one of only about twenty or thirty houses done) layout's really different.
If you ever want a "history" lesson, I know some people who've lived in the houses since they were built. Just message me on myspace and I'll give ya the skinny.
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